Smell like Christ!

By: Sheilla Mo
[2 Corinthians 2:14-17 CEB]
But thank God, who is always leading us around through Christ as if we were in a parade. He releases the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere through us. We smell like the aroma of Christ’s offering to God, both to those who are being saved and to those who are on the road to destruction. We smell like a contagious dead person to those who are dying, but we smell like the fountain of life to those who are being saved. Who is qualified for this kind of ministry? We aren’t like so many people who hustle the word of God to make a profit. We are speaking through Christ in the presence of God, as those who are sincere and as those who are sent from God.
This is such a beautiful scripture indeed!Of all the many designer fragrances ,there is one that stands out called 'ChristLike fragrance'.It smells so good to the chosen ones.This fragrance means walking in the knowledge of Christ as your personal redeemer.God says that His people perish because of lack of knowledge.If you are a Christian and you don't read your Bible or atleast have an understanding of the basic things we ought to do to live a godly life,check your pulse my dear!I often question some teachings where they say we don't have to know everything in the Bible.My faith tells me that The Bible is a treasure that has so many hidden victories for me to find.I have to search it as if my life depended on it.If God said in His own Words;meditate on this book of instructions day and night then you will be successful in everything that you do...who are we to add or subtract from the Word of God?Then again its not any of our business as we let God be the judge.The Bible further reveals that we should cry out for insight and understanding to gain wisdom.Jesus is this wisdom.Having the fear of Him is the beginnig of your spiritual intelligence.This 'ChristLike fragrance' is the wisdom of understanding the Word of God.Is it a big deal to God that you know how to bring to pass His promises that you find in His word.
If you are wearing such divine knowledge,you smell just like Christ!You have the love of God in your heart and the enemy has no say in your life.Fear has fleed away from you because wherever light abides,darkness cannot stay.Chrisian love expels all fear and confusion.When people mistreat you,you repay them by doing good.Glory be to God!As a child of God,the atmosphere changes wherever you go because you carry the divine power that lives inside of you. You can't contain it but only share the love!This marvelous smells is the glory of God.Greater is He that is inside of you than he that is in the world.Meditate on Hosea 4:16.You have to know your maker.Having said all this,rather on the contrary,there are those in the dark.The devil has blinded them with all his deceitfull lies to be haters of God.They live in sin and I tell you they all know that God exist but they choose to live in ignorance.This is why the opening scripture tells us that this fragrance is also persived differently by those who are perishing.They are consumed by frustrations of this world so fear controls their lives!What is so beautifull smells like a contageous dead person because they lack the fear of God!Until they find a living church to deliver them from the kingdom of darkness,their lives will remain stagnent.Where does faith come from?Faith comes from hearing the word of God.It is impossible to please God without faith.If they can only open their hearts to hearing and obeying the word of God('ChristLike fragrance'),their lives will not only transform through deliverance but they will rule in the Kingdom of light!You who are chosen,keep smelling like Christ hence always be a step ahead of the devil by meditating and practising the word of God!
God Sized Declarations!
I am a chosen priesthood and a child of the most high.Jesus Christ is the Son of God.By faith I am saved.I boldly confess that I have been set free by the blood of Jesus Christ.He was rejected so I could be accepted by God.I do not have the spirit of fear in my heart.I have the spirit of love,power and a sound mind.I shall serve God for all eternity.My soul and spirit shall be seen blameless until the coming day of our Saviour.I will find a living church to hear the word of God and practice it!I smell like Christ.Jesus was God in his fullness on earth.He shall use me in his fullness for his honour and glory.I decree and declare in Jesus mighty name!Amen!
As I Meditate Further...
Hosea 4:6,John 14:27 Matt. 13:15-17; Mark 7:21-23; Eph. 4:20-24.
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