My Journal Notes;The main thing we do on the Alter...


As I mentioned in my previous post,I sometimes blog about what I learn from our meetings and this is the message that I received from watching a video of a special meeting that we watched at the Love Therapy.Here we go;

What is the most important thing that we do in the church?

It is not the prayers but to put into practice the teachings that we receive from the Alter. 

What is the secret to a successful marriage?

The cross.

The vertical line represents your relationship with God and the horizontal one symbolises your relationship with your spouse.

As much as we know the trinity of the Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit, there is also a trinity of God,yourself and your spouse.If God is the pillar of your relationship,you will have peace.What is required is for a wife to submit to her husband.She has to do everything for him as if he were The Lord Jesus Christ.As Jesus is the head of the church,the husband is the head of the family too.The husband has a final word.This is no way for a woman to be treated like a doormat.It is what Paul taught us.The bible further says that a husband should love his wife not but not "his women".Whoever cheats on their spouse becomes a prisoner of their sin until they find repentance and forgiveness.When the wife hurts,it is as if the husband is stabbing himself with a knife.He will feel even worse than her.They became one flesh when they got married.If your partner is faithful to God,they will be faithful to you too.

How does a single person choose the ideal partner?

They have to use their reasoning.

True love does not exists at all.There is no such thing as luck.Love is faith not emotions.Faith is the energy from God.When you receive the Holy Spirit,you receive the spirit of faith.Faith is also a bridge between you and God,whereas love is a bridge between two people.
The secret for us to succeed in all the areas of our  lives is to use this intelligent faith 24/7.
The devil brings emotions which bring pleasure.The more pleasure one gets eventually causes them to fade away.
The world tells us to follow our hearts but the decisions based on feelings from the heart destroys a person.A heart is deceitful above all things.We only breakthrough when we decide to use our faith in God.

How do we learn from universities?

We learn by using our Intellect.

Do we learn by our hearts or  by our heads?We do gain understanding by reason.We don't choose our partner because of physical appearance,degrees nor success.The inside of a person is what is crucial.A little bit of background check on them help as well.It is important to know if they come from a well married family.What I always hear is;How do they treat their mum?

Beauty fades away but a charecter that fears God appreciates.We can't learn this anywhere except from the Alter.




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