My Journal Notes;It's All or Nothing!
Hey friends:)
I will be putting a lot of strength in one of the things that I enjoy a lot!Come to think of it,why not?They say sharing is caring...
I learn a lot from my church and as I vividly recall,the Holy Spirit asked me through my Pastor in one of the meetings..."What are you doing with the knowledge that you get here?Multiply your talents!"Anyway,to cut the long story short,it gave me more confidence to keep writing solely to be available for God to use me to help others.I don't know about you but I enjoy meditating on what I learn.This is what happens, there are days that I would walk home on cloud nine thinking about what the man or woman of God said.By so doing, it helps me a whole lot when I finally scribble down how God spoke to me during the meeting.I'll give you a perfect example of the notes I took from the video that we watched yesterday.
By the way,these are notes of the revelation received by the founder of our church.It may not be word to word,well it is what I grabbed for myself...
•It's All or nothing...
•It is a daily battle between my thoughts and God's thoughts..
•Jesus gave us 3 things to fight#to use our authority ;
•Jesus gave us 3 things to fight#to use our authority ;
-The Spirit
-The word
-The Name of Jesus
•The cross symbolizes Faith which is a free gift from God...
•Jesus gave us a Sword#Why?#to fight...
•Be determine until the finish line!Otherwise you will be that person who starts something but never finishes...
•Assume your faith-You can't be shy otherwise Jesus will be shy of you...
•The universal faith#the secret of the success of the UCKG#that is why we have scarifies#that's why we have campaigns of faith#this is for people to confront themselves...
•If you think you will be saved because you carry a bible everyday,you know it inside and out..forget it!satan knows the whole bible...
•Put on the full amour of God..
(PS He's gonna take us into the depths of the study in future)
(PS He's gonna take us into the depths of the study in future)
•Though Paul had the Holy Spirit,he was chained so having the Holy Spirit isn't enough...
•You can't go to war with a guitar or won't make it to the end...
•People have to see Jesus through your behavior and character...
•The bible says don't throw your pearls to the pigs...
•When your conscious accuses this way; "you see,you didn't tell him about Jesus-know its the devil!
•We are not saying speak about Jesus 24/7..rather let your behavior show the life of Jesus...
•Only speak when given an opportunity.If that person has a need or is crying out for help,then you are obligated to speak about Jesus...
•It's better to converse with an atheist than an unbelieving christian because they are the pharisees and hypocrites..
•Those who leave the church grumpy and complaining about the offering have their heart on the gold NOT the Alter...They have their hearts set on perishable things which are things of this world...
•Faith is like dating someone.You like them so much that you scarifies everything for them.You give up your freedom,your single life,you give up other women just to be with this person.It is the same with Jesus.We give up the world to be with Him.When we loose our lives to get into marriage with Him,that is when we find LIFE. [Amen:)]...
•A husband who leaves their wife for a younger woman(he uses his faith to conquer better things but if he leaves you,well thank God because it is for your own good.If you are in faith 100%,you will find a better husband that will make you happy..
•If you follow Jesus,your friends,relatives,colleagues will be against so this it should not be a surprise to you when they hate you..Jesus wants to see how you will react...
•Mathews 10....
•Deny yourself and carry your cross#assume your faith#you cannot be ashamed...
•Jesus brought a sword...
...a daughter to be against a mother..."one day when I was preaching like this,one particular man left the meeting.He thought I was going to preach about peace and love.This is what they want to hear.It's the religious teachings that have people chained...
•When he converted(mind you,this is our Spiritual Leader),his relationship with his mum was no longer the same because he put Jesus first thus above his mum.His mum was the first person to be against him.His mum loved him a dearly.She said hurtful things that he will never forget..She even asked his wife "do you love my son?"because he wanted to see if she loved him the way that she did... ''
Wrapping up now..
This is good knowledge.The big question is putting it all into practice...This is the main thing;How do we comprehend this revelation to our daily lives?
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