7 principles of a Godly life to conquer the promises of God

By Sheilla Mo

As you meditate on Second Peter Chapters 3 & 4 you will realise that you have to make every effort to respond to God's promises.This is the secret to breakthroughs in your life!What do I do then?

Let us meditate together in these principles;

Step 1
Have Faith in God...
... and supplement it with it's principles.Faith is the beginning of  all things.It is impossible to please God without faith!One can say everyone has faith.That's right but what is important is getting right with God by practicing all his commands and giving God what is rightfully His through tithes and offerings. 
(Exodus 20,Malachi 3:10) 

Step 2
Have an excellent character...
You gave your life to God now and God cares a lot about how you treat other people.Follow the footsteps of Jesus and be His testimony.He was humble and  obedient to God.His life is detailed in the following gospels of the Bible;John,Peter,Mathews,Mark and go further to Acts.

Step 3
Have the mind of Christ...
Get into the habit of calling those things that are not as if they were.It is biblical and it basically means that you should have the mind of Christ.You are what you think so it is very important to be positive more especially in difficult circumstances.If something doesn't go your way rest assured knowing that God has a better plan for His ways are not your ways.

Step 4
Walk in the knowledge of who you are in Christ...
It is critical that you get revelation when you meditate on your Bible.How is this possible?The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth.Seek Him through repentance and pleadings to God to get wisdom and understanding of His Word.

Step 5
Have Self Control...
The Holy Spirit will give you self control.You will see that there are significant changes in your character once you have encountered Him.Understanding of who you are in Christ helps you not  to give into temptations as well.When troubles comes you don't panic because you know that in the book of James it says that you should rejoice for the challenges that you face are a sign of victories.You are looking at a testimony for the glory of God!Amen!In other words you should wonder when everything in your life is going on smooth.Jesus said that we will face many troubles in the world just because we belong to Him.When you have this self control,you are not easily deceived.The Holy Spirit gives you assurance of your salvation.There is someone working behind the scenes on your behalf.Do not loose heart but be very strong and courageous to persevere until the end!

Step 6
Have the Character of God...
You receive the strength from God  as you endure pain and suffering especially when you overcome temptations!
The blessings that you conquer don't build your character but what you experience through those persecutions and injustices make you a solid rock!Jesus overcame temptations when He was led by the holy Spirit to the wilderness.The devil with his wicked schemes did all that he could and even promised Him riches if He worshiped him!How deceitful!Jesus remained faithful and He was strengthened to go and preach the gospel to the lost!( Isiah 61)

Step 7
Love others...
The greatest work for you as a christian is to love others as you love yourself.When you do this you are loving God.Pray for those who persecute you and bless them!You have this authority to bless!You forgive those who hurt you because you know very well that Jesus gave His life for them as much as he gave His life for you.You know that there is an evil force influencing them to try to test your faith hence be watchful and pray without ceasing!

Wrapping up...
We have said it all about love.The opposite of love is fear and the love of God expels all fear.The greatest command that God made for humankind is for us to love one another.We love Him because he first loved us.You love those that you see because it is impossible to love God that you don't see when you have a grudge with someone you know!I say again that when you meditate on  all the other  commands with spiritual wisdom ''don't steal,don't lie...''indeed they all sum up to  one great command of LOVE.For instance;when you don't cheat your partner,you are showing kindness and respect to them.You are basically doing to them what you wouldn't want them to do to you.When you follow all these steps faithfully and do even more,you have a right to be blessed and be a blessing to others!

God Sized Prayers

''I forgive those that I've hurt.I forgive those that have hurt me and I repent of the sins that I'm conscious of and not.I have the mind of Christ.The same Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead lives inside of me.God is using me to save the lost for His honour and glory in Jesus name I decree and declare,Amen''


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