10 confessions of who I am in Christ

By Sheilla Mo

The revelation of the scriptures tells us that ten is a number of perfection. Dare to declare the promises of God in your life by determining them with authority that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has given you. People put us down at times but you don’t have to accept how they see you. You could be your worst enemy as well, who knows? You have to realize that God formed you with his own hands and he accepts you just the way you are and if only you had the slightest clue of how much he adores you! Of course we are not perfect and yes they will always be a need to improve some bits so why bit yourself up? Learn to confess your victory at the start of each day. It will not only help you have a positive mind but with your perseverance and faithfulness to God, you will see significant changes in your inner being.

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength as I live life of superior quality and abundance. [Philippians 4:13, John 10:10]

I am blessed and I prosper wherever I go because I meditate on the Word of God day and night. [Joshua 1:8]

I have the mind of Christ. [1 Corinthians 2:16]

I am a descendent of Abraham and I am blessed in all things thus in my spiritual life, my love life, my health, my finances and my family! [Genesis 24:1]

Me and my house shall serve the Lord. [Joshua 24:15]

The power of resurrection is upon my life, Jesus lives inside of me, I am his instrument and he does his supernatural works through me.
[John 14:12-14]

I am the light of the world and I am more than a conqueror.
[Matthew 5:14, Romance 8:37]

8.   I do not judge people because I walk in the love of God. [Matthew 7:1]

9.   I hate evil and I do what is good for the love of the Kingdom of God. [Amos 5:15]

10.  I am a signet ring on the Lord's figure. I am blessed by the Lord for he has chosen   me to be a blessing for his people. [2 Haggai 2:3]

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