Men of the Bible[Part 1]

The Great Apostle Paul

By Sheilla Mo

He is my favourate Charector in the Bible!
When I pray for my future other half,I always ask God to bless me with a man who has the same character as Paul:)We used to make jokes about this with a close friend of mine...she knows herself alright:)
A true woman of God indeed!She would tell me she wants a man like David...(#a warrior#man of war# hansome...) and I would tell her I want a man who preaches the gospel with boldness like Paul hence have a heart after God like King David:)We would laugh our lungs out:)))We would mimic Paul remembering the time he was in  prison when he said
 ''...the Word of God cannot be chained''# Glory be to God!

2 Timothy 2:9 GNB
Because I preach the Good News, I suffer and I am even chained like a criminal. But the word of God is not in chains,


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