Calling it quits with grudges!

 By: Sheilla Mo

The heart is deceitful above all things,it is exceedingly perverse,corrupt,severely mortally sick and who can know it!Jeremiah 17:9

Your heart determines the course of your life and it is what has made you the person you are today.One of the many examples in the Word of God that show the brutality of a corrupted heart is what ended the life of the great prophet John the Baptist. Herod married a deceitful wife and out of the abundance of her heart was a grudge she had against the servant of God.He didn't have to die such a painful death but this is to show the world that when the enemy gets hold of your heart,it gives him authority to use you in any way that he pleases to destroy you and the lives of others.
She kept a grudge only because John told her husband that it was wrong before God's eyes for him to have married his brothers wife.Meanwhile, Herod had great respect for John.Who knows what could have turned out from Herod listening to the prophecies?This woman wanted John's head so bad that she asked for it to be served on a plate for her!Utterly cruel,isn't it?
Cursed is the man who trust in man so was Herod separated from God through his countless disobedience.What is separating you from the life filled with happiness that God has called you to live?                
You become a prisoner of your own fate when you don't forgive. Look,be bold and courageous to break up with the grudge today hence focus on being optimistic about your dreams.People do us wrong but the Word of God teaches us that we should walk in love and bless those who persecute us.This is said to help you because the truth of the matter is that unforgiveness doesen't destroy your enemy but you.What if this person that drains your energy is having the time of their lives?You have nothing to loose in being the bigger man.Ofcourse you were wronged but they didn't hurt you the point of crucifying you.Jesus did it all for you on the cross when he purchased your freedom and it is entirely up you to decide the kind of life you want to live.You could receive his divine joy and peace that is beyond comprehension today.I know it's sounds ridiculous to be asked to love someone who betrayed you and worse,wish nothing but the best for them.Trust me,this is the greatest secret of overcoming that grudge.Let us forgive,forget and let God in Jesus name!

Further Studies:John 14:27 Matt. 13:15-17; Mark 7:21-23; Eph. 4:20-24.


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