
Showing posts from April, 2014

The Word!

Hebrews 4:12 CEVUS06 12 God's word is alive and powerful! It is sharper than any double-edged sword. His word can cut through our spirits and souls and through our joints and marrow, until it discovers the desires and thoughts of our hearts.


John 13:34-35 CEVDCUS06 But I am giving you a new command. You must love each other, just as I have loved you. If you love each other, everyone will know that you are my disciples. God will only bless you when you know how to love others! John 15:12-17 CEVDCUS06 Now I tell you to love each other, as I have loved you. The greatest way to show love for friends is to die for them. And you are my friends, if you obey me. Servants don't know what their master is doing, and so I don't speak to you as my servants. I speak to you as my friends, and I have told you everything my Father has told me.  You did not choose me. I chose you and sent you out to produce fruit, the kind of fruit that will last. Then my Father will give you whatever you ask for in my name.  So I command you to love each other.

What it means to be righteous to God

Romans 5:1-5 CEVDCUS06 By faith we have been made acceptable to God. And now, thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ, we have peace with God. Christ has also introduced us to God's gift of undeserved grace on which we now take our stand. So we are happy, as we look forward to sharing in the glory of God. But that's not all! We gladly suffer, because we know that suffering helps us to endure. And endurance builds character, which gives us a hope that will never disappoint us. All of this happens because God has given us the Holy Spirit, who fills our hearts with his love. 2 Corinthians 5:21 CEVDCUS06 Christ never sinned! But God treated him as a sinner, so Christ could make us acceptable to God. Faith is the begining of all things.It is impossible to please God without faith.

Too much pride causes trouble!

PS;Open your heart to the Word of God for He cares for you...God wants to save your soul... Proverbs 13:1-25 CEVDCUS06 Children with good sense accept correction from their parents, but stubborn children ignore it completely.  You will be well rewarded for saying something kind, but all some people think about is how to be cruel and mean.  Keep what you know to yourself, and you will be safe; talk too much, and you are done for. No matter how much you want, laziness won't help a bit, but hard work will reward you with more than enough.  A good person hates deceit, but those who are evil cause shame and disgrace.  Live right, and you are safe! But sin will destroy you.  Some who have nothing may pretend to be rich, and some who have everything may pretend to be poor.  The rich may have to pay a ransom, but the poor don't have that problem.  The lamp of a good person keeps on shining; the lamp of an evil person soon goes out. ...

Be strong and of good courage


The light of the World


A prayer of repentance

By Sheilla Mo [Psalm 51] Come to God as you are for He will never leave you nor forsake you.He formed you with His own hands and you are precious to Him.

How Jesus taught us to pray [Part 1]


Staying faithfull

That's it!

POEMS;God doesn't take coffee breaks

By Sheilla Mo He is the God who is,and who was,and who is to come... He is the Almighty... He is the God All- Powerfull.... He is the all things are possible.... He is the great I am... He is the beginner and the finisher of your faith.... He is the Alfa & Omega.... He is the Holy Spirit... He is everything... He is the living God Jesus Christ the Son of GOD... ...and He doesn't take coffee breaks!!                                                                                         Gloooooory!!!

God is faithfull


God created beautiful things:)


ANIOLY MUSIC..From Bishop Julio Freitas blog

Image Enjoy:))) love it!

I am a woman of God


7 principles of a Godly life to conquer the promises of God

By Sheilla Mo As you meditate on Second Peter Chapters 3 & 4 you will realise that you have to make every effort to respond to God's promises.This is the secret to breakthroughs in your life!What do I do then? Let us meditate together in these principles; Step 1 Have Faith in God... ... and supplement it with it's principles.Faith is the beginning of  all things.It is impossible to please God without faith!One can say everyone has faith.That's right but what is important is getting right with God by practicing all his commands and giving God what is rightfully His through tithes and offerings.   (Exodus 20,Malachi 3:10)  Step 2 Have an excellent character... You gave your life to God now and God cares a lot about how you treat other people.Follow the footsteps of Jesus and be His testimony.He was humble and  obedient to God.His life is detailed in the following gospels of the Bible;John,Peter,Mathews,Mark and go further to Acts. Step 3 Have th...

Seek first the Kingdom God...

...and all things shall be added unto you...

Have a stand...


The beauty of life...


Its never too late...




Have your way Lord!


..By His grace


Positive thoughts


If you could only just believe...


Men of the Bible [Part 2]

Joseph of Arimathea By Sheilla Mo I learnt a lot in church today.I hardly heard about this man but his profile is so remarkable! Matthew 27:57-60 GNB When it was evening, a rich man from Arimathea arrived; his name was Joseph, and he also was a disciple of Jesus. He went into the presence of Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Pilate gave orders for the body to be given to Joseph. So Joseph took it, wrapped it in a new linen sheet, and placed it in his own tomb, which he had just recently dug out of solid rock. Then he rolled a large stone across the entrance to the tomb and went away. Pastor elaborated on the three important things that we should learn from Joseph. 1. He was rich It is important to be rich not for selfish reasons but to advance the Kingdom of God.Through your tithes and offerings,the lost are saved! 2. He was a disciple of Jesus Christ He spoke about Jesus thus he was not ashamed of the gospel. 3. Because of his wealth,Pilate listened to him. ...

Women of the Bible [Part 3]

Mary Magdeline  By Sheilla Mo As we learnt with Sarah,let us take notes from Marry as well. The Past ^ She was despised by others because she used to be a prostitute but Jesus looked beyond her mistakes. The latter ^ Marry was there for Jesus until the end.. Matthew 27:61 GNB Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were sitting there, facing the tomb. ^ She gave Jesus something that was so precious to her... I personally love perfumes and I'm pretty sure women in general have a thing for perfumes as well.This perfume that cost a whole years wages must have been really something to be recorded in the bible.Judas even criticised her thinking that it was wasted but Marry was only expressing how much she adored Jesus iregardless of what others thought of her actions. ^ Marry was the firs person Jesus saw after He resurrected... [John 20:11-18 GNB] Mary stood crying outside the tomb. While she was still crying, she bent over and looked in the tomb and saw t...

Women of the bible [Part 2]

Sarah(Sarai) By Sheilla Mo [Genesis 18:9 GNB] Then they asked him, “Where is your wife Sarah?” “She is there in the tent,” he answered. Let us reflect on her character and take it from there! Strengths 1. She was beautifull..for a good purpose... [Genesis 12:14-16 GNB] When he crossed the border into Egypt, the Egyptians did see that his wife was beautiful. Some of the court officials saw her and told the king how beautiful she was; so she was taken to his palace. Because of her the king treated Abram well and gave him flocks of sheep and goats, cattle, donkeys, slaves, and camels. 2. She was blessed... [Genesis 21:1 GNB] The Lord blessed Sarah, as he had promised. 3. She was a blessing. "I WILL BLESS HER [SARAH], AND GIVE THEE [ABRAHAM] A SON ALSO OF HER: YEA, I WILL BLESS HER, AND SHE SHALL BE A MOTHER OF NATIONS"  [Genesis 17:16] All nations were blessed through Sarah! 4. She was joyful... [Genesis 21:6 GNB] Sarah said, “God has brought me jo...

Dare to dream....


True that!


Flavour Dome TV programme makeup

# Flashback of the makeup on TV presenters

Obedience and Humbleness

By Sheilla Mo Oh What a day!Jesus is alive today looking for instruments to use to save the lost!Are you available for Him?He was God on earth  but he never thought of Himself as an equal status with God.He lived a life of slavery to set an example for us.God exaulted Him and gave Him a name above any name that at the mention of Jesus,the Father will be glorified!This was all possible because He was humble and obedient to God.Look at His perfect life.He never retaliated on anyone but He was rather a man full of wisdom and character!Now we know that on the other hand the prince of darkness wanted to exault himself above God because of pride and he was cast out of heaven!You can never be perfect but with the help the Holy Spirit you can be a living testimony for  people around you to see the Jesus in you for the sake of your salvation and others.You don't have to hit rock bottom to follow Jesus.Today is the day of salvation!His Spirit is searching for sinners to humble th...

Women of the Bible [Part 1]

Virgin Mary By Sheilla Mo (Re-Reading my V Woman book By Cristiane Cardoso)

21 Days Fast of Daniel

By Sheilla Mo  Links to help you in these three special weeks! ( 21 Days Fast of Daniel Remain Blessed!

News Paper Articles

By Sheilla Mo

Men of the Bible[Part 1]

The Great Apostle Paul By Sheilla Mo He is my favourate Charector in the Bible! When I pray for my future other half,I always ask God to bless me with a man who has the same character as Paul:)We used to make jokes about this with a close friend of mine...she knows herself alright:) A true woman of God indeed!She would tell me she wants a man like David...(#a warrior#man of war# hansome...) and I would tell her I want a man who preaches the gospel with boldness like Paul hence have a heart after God like King David:)We would laugh our lungs out:)))We would mimic Paul remembering the time he was in  prison when he said  ''...the Word of God cannot be chained''# Glory be to God! 2 Timothy 2:9 GNB Because I preach the Good News, I suffer and I am even chained like a criminal. But the word of God is not in chains,

Man Of Sorrows#Hillsong 2013#A perfect Praise song of The Cross

Happy Easter:-)

God-Sized Prayers [Prayer 2]

By Sheilla Mo [2nd Corinthians Chapter 5] I am confident of who I am in Christ.I live by believing that God lives inside of me and one day after the Lord has accomplished His mission of saving the lost through me,I will go and be with Him in a new body that He has prepared for me.Meanwhile,I do what pleases Him,preserving my soul and saving others in Jesus name I Pray,Amen#24th January 2014

When you Pray according to His will,He answers!

By Sheilla PS:Pray in line with the word of God..... 1 John 5:15-15 I'm called for ministry.I have a teachable spirit.I'm called to preach the gospel to the lost.I am an ambassador of Jesus Christ.I have made soul winning my greatest commitment.God's power manifests in my life to do the extreordinary through me.The Holy Spirit is my partner in soul winning in Jesus Christ name I pray AMEN!! # Friday 24th January 2014

Moments in Ireland...

By Sheilla Mo Snaps I took late last night on my way home:-)#17/04/2014 Dublin Bycs packing lot @ night.... These bycs look so content and I thought the trees were pretty! I coudin't resist taking a picture...By the way im planning to rent a Byc soon to see if I could do the same job I did as a little girl...

God-Sized Prayers[Prayer 1]

By Sheilla Mo [1 Corinthians] I have the mind of Christ.I have the same spirit that my father has.He is pleased when the Holy Spirit reveals his secret plans to me.The world doesn't understand Him because they search carnal things but I understand His plans because of Him not me.His power allows me to have revelation of His word in Jesus C h rist name I pray AMEN#24/01/2014

The kind of worship that pleases Him

By Sheilla Mo For now there are faith, hope, and love. But of these three, the greatest is love. [1 Corinthians 13:13] It is the Holy week yet again to celebrate our victories on the cross!I'm so excited that I decided to call it the love week...God's love for us is beyond comprehension and words can't even begin to describe it. His highest expression of this incredible love for us was for Him to allow His one and only Son to be crucified by the very ones that mocked him!It is priceless I tell you!If we could only follow in his footsteps and see  others through His eyes,the word would be a bliss!It  makes perfect sense that the greatest command of God is love and it sums up all the other commands to it.God is love. —Romans 13:9-10 God wants us to love others.How can we say we love God that we can't see and find it difficult to love others that we see everyday,it doesn't add up! What is important to God is faith expressing itself in love.'Come ...