
My Journal Notes;The main thing we do on the Alter...

©  sheillamooblogspot .ie PS As I mentioned in my previous post,I sometimes blog about what I learn from our meetings and this is the message that I received from watching a video of a special meeting that we watched at the Love Therapy.Here we go; Q What is the most important thing that we do in the church? A It is not the prayers but to put into practice the teachings that we receive from the Alter.  Q What is the secret to a successful marriage? A The cross. The vertical line represents your relationship with God and the horizontal one symbolises your relationship with your spouse. As much as we know the trinity of the Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit, there is also a trinity of God,yourself and your spouse.If God is the pillar of your relationship,you will have peace.What is required is for a wife to submit to her husband.She has to do everything for him as if he were The Lord Jesus Christ.As Jesus is the head of the church,the husband is the head of the family too. The ...

My Journal Notes;It's All or Nothing!

©  sheillamooblogspot .ie Hey friends:) I will  be putting a lot of strength in one of the things that I enjoy a lot!Come to think of it,why not?They say sharing is caring... I learn a lot from my church and as I vividly recall,the Holy Spirit asked me through my Pastor in one of the meetings..."What are you doing with the knowledge that you get here?Multiply your talents!"Anyway,to cut the long story short,it gave me more confidence to keep writing solely to be available for God to use me to help others.I don't know about you but I enjoy meditating on what I learn.This is what happens, there are days that I would walk home on cloud nine thinking about what the man or woman of  God said.By so doing, it helps me a whole lot when I finally scribble down how God spoke to me during the meeting.I'll give you a perfect example of the notes I took from the video that we watched yesterday. By the way,these are notes of the revelation received by the founder of our c...

Day 2|The Famous King Solomon Confessions

© He prepared the inner Santuary within the Temple to set the arc of the convenant of the LORD there.  1 Kings 6:19 I wanted to take some notes this morning whilst contemplating on this subject..."mhhh..contemplating once again.." Anyway,I find it a bit districting at times so I decided to share the  images I googled that I suppose are not even close enough to the splendor that was used to construct and decorate the Temple.Well,here are my notes and lets analyse them now; • Solomon took 7 years to perfect the Temple of God,therefore 7 is indeed a number of perfection. • The Most Holy Place is smaller in size if we were to compared it to the rest of the Temple,and it is yet the Holy of Holies!Nothing will ever measure to it but God chose that it be at the rear side and gave us a bigger potion! He stays in a secret place:)See the generosity of our Lord! He could have said; "Solomon built this Temple for me,it belongs to me!It's...

Day 1|The famous King Solomon"Confessions"

© Oh it feels so good to be back:)Truth to be told,I haven't written anything since December and thank you Holy Spirit for pushing me to write this morning:) Hello friends of mine:) 'You know what?I admire King Solomon's wisdom!He is one of my favorite Kings now.. I appreciate his wisdom but not what he did in the end... King David will always be my number 1 solely because the Word of God says he was a man after God's own heart and he was handsome lol:)King David's spirit lives forever!What a revelation!Anyway,I wasn't gonna write about King David....If you wanna know what I think of him..I have some articles about him from Men of The Bible Series right here on this blog... Regarding the famous King Solomon,I was meditating on 1 Kings  this morning and I'm marveled by his humbleness.For this particular story I'll strenuously contend to read 5 chapters per day.That's it!You know yourself...I know very well that ...

Faith pleases God

© It was faith that Abraham obeyed... [Hebrews 11] Keep your head up:) She:) 

"Be an example..."Intimacy with The Holy Spirit Diary

© Does this ring a bell?Practice what you preach?Some things don't get old.The scriptures says that we all have a ministry.Whoever is given more,much will be required from them.The little we have will be taken away if we don't use it to bring others this light. We don't need a title to be used by God.We can worship God in truth and spirit through our behaviours.There is a lot of things we want God to change in us to be better servants.We want to know more of Him.Jesus used a donkey.He can use just about anyone as well. I want to be this like this  donkey  that humbled itself to be used at a crucial moment. Hosanna..Hosanna..The lamb has come This reminds me of a beautiful worship song:) We could be deceived that we get so anxious for position.This is total darkness.What if God wants to use us without a tittle.Lets serve where we are. I remember one sincere prayer that I made to God some time ago;" God..I want to be an assistant ...

"Fake it until you make it...";Intimacy with the Holy Spirit Diary

© You love justice and hate evil. Therefore God, your God, has anointed you, pouring out the oil of joy on you more than on anyone else.  [Psalms 45:7 NLT] PS This is one of my favorite scriptures. Have you ever heard this phrase? "Laugh by faith" Well,this will be a new saying:)That's exactly what I decided to do a long time ago.Please don't get me wrong.This 'Fake it until you make it' is not the pretending one.All I'm trying to say is;I know how difficult it is to be happy when you are going through hard moments.It actually sounds insane.I'm sure you can ask God to help you to laugh by faith until you make it.He is closer to the broken hearted. Pretending to be something that we are not is not good at all. God loves sincerity. I believe we can laugh by faith as a sacrifice to God.It's not easy but He is here to help us for as long as we make an effort.This is where your hapiness will begin.I once heard th...