"Fake it until you make it...";Intimacy with the Holy Spirit Diary

© sheillamooblogspot.ie

You love justice and hate evil. Therefore God, your God, has anointed you, pouring out the oil of joy on you more than on anyone else. 
[Psalms 45:7 NLT]
PS This is one of my favorite scriptures.

Have you ever heard this phrase?
"Laugh by faith"
Well,this will be a new saying:)That's exactly what I decided to do a long time ago.Please don't get me wrong.This 'Fake it until you make it' is not the pretending one.All I'm trying to say is;I know how difficult it is to be happy when you are going through hard moments.It actually sounds insane.I'm sure you can ask God to help you to laugh by faith until you make it.He is closer to the broken hearted. Pretending to be something that we are not is not good at all.God loves sincerity.
I believe we can laugh by faith as a sacrifice to God.It's not easy but He is here to help us for as long as we make an effort.This is where your hapiness will begin.I once heard that if you can overcome your thoughts,you are free indeed.The Holy Spirit doesn't get along with grumpy people.He wants to be where He is celebrated irregardless of the circumstances.
Talking about joy,I experienced a heartfelt laughter earlier today:)You won't believe how it all started:)I was having a little chat with one lady and a gentlemen who were sitting next to me in a bus. All of a sudden,a baby bursted out with such uncontrollable giggles:)This got us to laugh as well! "Hahaha...he is making me laugh you know..."The gentleman said.So I couldn't help but laugh my African lungs out..You know how we laugh at times:)I let it all loose..It's good to be yourself you know...I think the baby's mum was tickling her...haha. it made our day alright:)
Kids are unbelievably free spirits!If we were all toddlers,the world would be a better place:)
Proverbs 4 says never let loyalty and kindness leave you.It's good to smile genuinely.We might be entertaining angels,who knows..Come to think of it,I thought God sent an angel to tickle that baby just so there could be joy in the bus:)Maybe one of the passengers was having a tough day and this could have lifted them up!Awe,it was so hilarious!You should have see it!

 I laughed when I heard that God laughs at the devil.Oh yes He does:) So let's copy Him.It pleases him when we laugh.He does it because He knows that their destiny is hell.It is in Psalms.Search...you will find it.
I like saying this,don't be intimidated by your enemies for it is a sign that they will be destroyed and you will be saved by God Himself.
Quit being sad. Worry will never add a single day into your life.Mind you,nobody wants to be around a sad person.I used to be this depressed person and as soon as I got revived, I realised how much I annoyed people and pushed them far off.You will start attracting good things when you decide to be a positive individual.I'm learning everyday.I see good when I think good.
I have learnt to laugh at almost nothing even at the stupid things that I do.I told myself that nothing is ever going to take my peace.I'm nothing close to perfect but I did myself a favour.I get up each morning with great joy and go to bed with a smile on my face to protect my faith:)

Keep your head up:)



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