"Be an example..."Intimacy with The Holy Spirit Diary

© sheillamooblogspot.ie

Does this ring a bell?Practice what you preach?Some things don't get old.The scriptures says that we all have a ministry.Whoever is given more,much will be required from them.The little we have will be taken away if we don't use it to bring others this light.

We don't need a title to be used by God.We can worship God in truth and spirit through our behaviours.There is a lot of things we want God to change in us to be better servants.We want to know more of Him.Jesus used a donkey.He can use just about anyone as well.
I want to be this like this 
donkey that humbled itself to be used at a crucial moment.
Hosanna..Hosanna..The lamb has come
This reminds me of a beautiful worship song:)

We could be deceived that we get so anxious for position.This is total darkness.What if God wants to use us without a tittle.Lets serve where we are.
I remember one sincere prayer that I made to God some time ago;"...my God..I want to be an assistant but don't make me an assistant if I'm not ready...if at all you know that I'm going to put your name to shame in that uniform.."..and He answered straight away:)
Talk it's cheap.Being a true servant requires daily crucification of our desires.When those who live near us see changes in us,they desire to experience the same change as well.So I ask myself,is it easy to everngerlise through our behaviours?Is it easy to hold back when you are being persecuted?It's a sacrifies.It is painfull but it produces great rewards.If only we could eventually use the bad that we experienced to help others...

           "I have anointed you with the oil   
                   of joy more than anyone"

Keep your head up:)



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